2024 Media
Welcome to my 2024 Media page!

This page is a log of all of the media I watch/play/etc. in the year 2024.
I'm not a professional reviewer/critic by any means so all of my "scores" and thoughts written are very subjective and based on my own experiences, not how good the media is in a general sense.
June 3rd

I have never seen a Mad Max movie but my friend likes it and this was the newest one in theatres..! I enjoyed it a lot, Furiosa was a cool character and I enjoyed the way the movie moved and was cut into different eras of her life. Also her boyfriend was really attractive.

( 8 / 10 )
Phantom Thread
June 7th

My friend is super into the lead actor and director so we had a little movie night... This movie was really interesting! My friends and I have always gathered to watch shitty movies so it was nice to watch something good. This is truly the most toxic hetero couple of all time.

( 10 / 10 )
Murder on the Orient Express
June 8th

The next (or... first?) movie in this Agatha Christie series. I liked this one about the same as Death on the Nile, the twist was a little more fun but the middle portion was a bit more of a slog to sit through. I wasn't too interested in the characters but I got swept back in by the end.

( 8 / 10 )
Revenge of the Sith
June 9th

My favorite Star Wars movie by far. I did have to split it into two different watchings since sometimes space talk and space fight makes me sleepy but I also am not a movie watcher in general so... not the fault of the movie. Knowing his background will make it fun to watch Vader be an evil space guy, I'm excited for 4-6 now.

( 10 / 10 )
KNY Swordsmith Village Arc
June 13th

Took an accidental 3ish year break from KNY but I'm finally back!!! This is one of my favorite arcs (compared to my foggy memory of the previous) and I really liked both the Hashira that got the spotlight. Also no Inosuke and Zenitsu was peak. The ending was really tense and I'm excited for the next season.

( 8 / 10 )
Dungeon Meshi
June 14th

Can't believe it's over... the anime that got me back into anime (kinda)...
I loved every moment of Dungeon Meshi, the characters and world are so amazing. I can't wait for more! I'm tempted to read the manga but since s2 is already announced I'll try to be patient and wait since it's such a joy to watch.

( 10 / 10 )
NieR Replicant
June 15th

:) What an amazing game... I wrote a whole twitter thread about it so I'll be brief here. It didn't grab me as much as Automata did which is a shame, but Replicant stands on its own as a strong game. I love the characters and world a lot. Emil is only second to 9s by a smidge.

( 10 / 10 )
Poltergeist (2015)
June 17th

Horrible movie. Not even "so bad it's good" which is a shame since I love those... the characters were very frustratng to watch. The father in particular was horrible. Terrible Dad... I wish I could get this time back.

( 2 / 10 )
The Phantom of the Opera
June 21st

I liked it way more than I wish I did. The Phantom (or "OG" as he calls himself!) is a scary groomer but damn he has a sexy voice and is also played by a sexy man. Which is honestly very unfitting, even the director was like "nah, he needed to be older and creepier". The music is awesome and it's been stuck in my head for a week after.
( 7 / 10 )
There Will be Blood
June 22st

Same director/actor as Phantom Thread so it was cool to see good ole Danny D. in a very different role. I really enjoyed it. I usually watch trash with my friends so it's always fun to sit down and experience something that doesn't make me wanna tear my hair out.

( 10 / 10 )
The Strangers
May 22nd

It was just bad... I did not even enjoy it as a "it's so bad it's good" kinda movie. The relationship between the main two was annoyingly vauge and I think they tried to hard to be mysterious to the point it just made the movie boring since you didn't know any motivations. Bad.

( 3 / 10 )
Attack of the Clones
May 22nd

This one felt like a bit of a slog to get through, but still enjoyable. Some of the fights were a bit slow and Anakin PISSED ME OFF. I don't know if it was so bad it was funny or if he was just awful, it's undecided.

( 8 / 10 )
Smiling Friends
May 29th

Technically it's an ongoing series, but I binged season 1 and most of season 2 within a night so I'll count that as finishing something. I was a bit worried it'd be too "lol random" or "it's funny that we're saying horrible things" but it was a lot better than I thought.

( 9 / 10 )
D4DJ Tiering
KuruMiiko t10

April 15th - 20th

This was the final relationship style event in D4DJ, which was my favorite event type.
It focuses on the relationship between 2 characters which means the scale is a lot smaller, AKA less money. D4DJ has been going in a strange direction and this was a pretty sad finale. I had to tier it as a thanks to this event type, and KuruMiiko are a cute pair.
The Phantom Menace
April 29th

My father and I have begun to watch the Star Wars movie together across the ocean... I watched Star Wars when I was little but can't remember much so this will be fun to revisit!
I enjoyed this movie a lot and thought it was a fun way to start my journey. Knowing where little Annie is headed is sad but really exciting to watch.

( 9 / 10 )
Death on the Nile
April 30th

I don't watch many murder mystery movies so this was fun! My friend is into the books and wanted to watch them as a group. It was just a bunch of rich people yelling at each other but it was fun to watch and the ending was a cool twist. I enjoyed it.

( 8 / 10 )
着信アリ (One Missed Call)
Mar 2nd

In my mind Japanese movies aren't the greatest... this movie didn't do much to prove that wrong. It's a horror movie but barely had any scares, had a boring plot and twist, and the acting was pretty meh. It wasn't even fun bad, my friends kept falling asleep and I couldn't help but pull out my phone.

( 5 / 10 )
Final Destination 5
Mar 2nd

The final Final Destination?? Apparently not, there's another one coming later this year... It was actually pretty good? I didn't like how much more personal conflict it had (just get to the gore already) but the ending was pretty good?? It was cheesy but cool... Best one besides the first.

( 8 / 10 )
The Empire of Corpses
Mar 5th

So my friend wanted to show me this movie specifically because she said it was so weird and bad and just a total trip of an experience... well, she was right! It's just another one of those "Japanese author is obsessed with Western stories" kinda shows where suddenly Victor Frankenstein and Sherlock Holmes and... former president of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, are in the same room? It was just weird and not very fun to watch besides poking fun at it. Zombie yaoi was cool though.

( 4 / 10 )
Heavenly Delusion
Mar 15th

I *really* enjoyed Heavenly Delusion. This show had been on my radar for a long time but I was waiting for it to finish airing since I'm more into "slow binging" lately! Not binging all at once but instead spacing it out over a week or two, usually 1-2 eps a day. Anyways, the story isn't finished so I wanna hold off on a plot inspection but I love the main two and can't wait to see where this story goes. There was some stuff I'm not sure about yet and I hope the LGBT themes continue to be "good", only time will tell. PLEASE get s2, either way I'll be reading!

( 8 / 10 )
Pokémon Concierge
Mar 16th

One of the CUTEST things I have ever watched. I'm not even a diehard Pokémon fan but I am in love. I really needed something cozy and cute right now and this was absolutely perfect. Very happy to hear they'll be making more, I can't wait!

( 10 / 10 )
The Great Mouse Detective
Mar 22nd
I watch very random things with this friend... I do have a desire to go back and watch more Disney movies I never saw/saw once and forgot about (Jungle Book, The Rescuers, Hunchback, Hercules, etc...), especially when they are a big part of the current zeitgeist. So this may have been an unofficial start to that journey! It was cute, we joked about mouse yaoi, nothing more.

( 8 / 10 )
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Mar 28th
Bawling my eyes out, what do I have in my life now that Frieren ended??? I'll start the manga, reading it veeery slowly because whenever a new season is announced, I may wait for it so I can watch blind. It was AMAZING. Frieren 100% reeled me back into anime. I'm going to miss it dearly, can't wait for more. Ending dragged the tiniest bit (exam arcs...) but it was perfection.

( 10 / 10 )
The Bear
Mar 29th
I forget how much I enjoy Western TV until I watch it and am like "wow, anime could never" (or... rarely does). The Bear was a really interesting show, throwing me into a world I know very little about (cooking!). Much like Succession I feel like some of the lines got me thinking "nobody speaks like that" but it wasn't as bad lol. I'm invested now, can't wait for more.

( 8 / 10 )
Rilakkuma to Yuuenchi
Mar 31st
I really enjoyed the original series so it was time to watch the sequel!! I didn't like it as much as the first one though... the OG was much more laid back, about SOL antics, but this one was about a sole day in an amusement park. It felt a bit more crowded and focused on a lot of characters and moments I didn't care about. But it was Rilakkuma, so ofc it was cute.

( 7 / 10 )
Final Destination 3
Feb 2nd

My friends and I have been binging all the Final Destination movies together!!! It's been a lot of fun to laugh at the bad special effects and try and guess how each new character will meet their demise... This movie was a bit better than others, but had a lazy ending.

( 7 / 10 )
The Final Destination
Feb 2nd

ANOTHER ONE!!! It was a long night. This one was ASS though : (
Halfway through watching we realized it was a 3D movie so from that point onwards we would just point and yell "3D!!!" every time a bad 3D effect appeared on screen. That was the only good part ngl.

( 5 / 10 )
Mayoi Jiangshi

Feb 10th

If you would like to read my longer review please visit here.
I generally didn't enjoy the time travel plot but Araragi and Shinobu had some interesting conversations and it was fun reading them try to understand different timelines and think of a way out. Pretty good.

( 8 / 10 )
Suruga Devil

Feb 10th

If you would like to read my longer review please visit here.
I enjoyed this arc MUCH more when reading it, which is strange. Kanbaru is such an amazing character and I don't think I appreciated her enough when first going through the anime. I'm glad I got to re-experience it!

( 9 / 10 )
Nadeko Snake

Feb 15th

If you would like to read my longer review please visit here.
Ah... this is one half my favorite Monogatari arc so it was such a pleasure to read. Nadeko as a narrator is so unsettling it's amazing. I love what NISIOISIN does with all the different narration styles.

( 10 / 10 )
Shinobu Time

Feb 15th

If you would like to read my longer review please visit here.
Rude as hell to use Shinobu for the name and have her on the title but to barely include her... This one was a slog. Too much weird fanservice and the storytelling style used was a headache to get through.

( 6 / 10 )
Persona 3: Reload
Feb 18th

An amazing and much deserved remake of an already amazing original game. While I enjoyed playing P3FES years ago it and its characters never stuck with me, so I was glad to be given a chance to revisit it and enjoy it more this time around. The changes made were great (although I think additional ones should have been made..), loved it!

( 10 / 10 )
Trolls Band Together
Jan 9th

Started the year strong. . .
My sister (who is too old to be into Trolls) is very into Trolls so at a certain point I just HAD to watch it. I actually think the Trolls movies are pretty good, for a kids movie, so I enjoyed it more than I expected. I think the art in particular is pretty great! Fun enough.

( 8 / 10 )
AI: The Somnium Files
- Nirvana Initiative -

Jan 23rd

Crazy ass game... I played the first one in 2023 and it was a massive headache to say the least... It's fun in a bad way but also bad in a bad way. . .
I liked it a lot less than the first, and the plot twist at the end was just confusing. Still was fun to be frustrated about it though.

( 5 . 5 / 10 )
D4DJ Tiering
MuniRei t10 & dt1

Jan 25th - Feb 1st

You can read my tiering letter here.
I absolutely LOVE to tier relationship events, and since so many friends from my tiering server SNB wanted to tier it I had to join in. It was a relatively uneventful tiering experience, which is always nice, and I'm glad to add another t10 to my list!